Saturday 12 October 2013

Help our colleagues to get going on the Tutor Wiki

Now that Claire has built and published the brilliant new Tutor Wiki, as Quality Champions we can also help our colleagues to make the most of it in our role as promoters of quality in our route to outstanding. The Tutor Wiki is the next tool in our growing resources designed to achieve that aim - so all tutors need to use the Wiki, from now.

If tutors are having problems logging in or are a bit unsure what to do, we can help them - in each of our tutor group meetings each term, by email, or when we see them next time asking them if they are finding the Tutor Wiki easy to get on and use.

One thing that cropped up the other day for a couple of tutors is how to get to our Tutor Wiki home page after they have accepted their invite from Claire. This is understandable if you are not that familiar with navigating around a VLE, a MOODLE, or other learning platforms, which for some of our tutors is the case.

Here are some simple but key tips for tutors not familiar with our Tutor Wiki which you can copy and paste into Word or an email etc:
1. "Once you have signed in, click on the little (and I do mean small!) bar in the top right corner of the Wiki window which will reveal the sliding menu bar in full. Then click on My Wikis to reveal a drop down menu. Choose learningSkills (shown in blue in the image above) by clicking it. You will now be on the home page of the Tutor Wiki." 

2. "On your home page (shown above) you will see news and information on the left of the screen and resource pages on the right. Click on any of the pages to go there and access the resources and to contribute your own resources to share with your colleagues. There is guidance on how to contribute on the home page."
3. "Further HELP.  At the bottom of the HOME page there is a HELP link that takes you to a whole list of FAQs and help tips, how-to's and videos. Just click on the word HELP. If you get stuck on the Tutor Wiki contact Claire Ritson, your Quality Officer in Dryden or ask your Quality Champion."

If Quality Champions are meeting tutors that are either having problems using the Tutor Wiki or have ideas about how it can be developed further, please pass the information onto Claire.

PS: look at the top of the page here on the QC Blog and you will see a new tab: "Tutor Wiki". This is to make it easier and quicker for us to access our online spaces as QCs - Twitter, Facebook, Blog and Wiki.

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