Sunday 29 September 2013

Quality Champions become Authors!

Those QCs who attended the last QC meeting have been invited to be blog authors using their Gmail accounts. Please accept your invite when you get it (it will be in your Gmail). Authors can write their own posts and add links to the blog.

Those QCs who weren't able to attend the last QC meeting need to open a Gmail account and send their Gmail address to Bernard so he can invite you to be a blog author too. This is so we can use the blog as a team. Please send Bernard your Gmail address as soon as you can.

Using Bloom in class (short guide)

A one-page guide to using Bloom's Taxonomy of learning in our class is now on our blog for QCs. It has been created by Bernard from various sources. Feel free to add to the document and re-upload to the blog.  Go to the Resource Page "Learning Outcomes" to access this brief guide.

List of Outcomes (1)

A list of potential learning outcomes has been created in MS Word. Imogen and Bernard have started the list with the idea being that QCs from other subject areas either add to this list or create their own for their subjects and add it to our QC blog for sharing. Go to the Resources Page "Learning Outcomes" opposite to access the document.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Quality Champions subscribed to the QC Blog!

As mentioned at our last QC team meeting, all Quality Champions have been subscribed as followers to our QC blog (this one!). QCs will now automatically receive an email alert to any new posts on the blog. Notifications take about 24 hours to reach email in boxes. We will be discussing membership, private versus public and permissions for blog members further at our next QC team meeting this Thursday 19 September.